How to acquire new customers in the Corona crisis.

Barbecue, picnic by the lake and festival – right now starts the season for a leisure under the blue sky. But unfortunately, all this has to be postponed due to an invisible, but nevertheless very threatening virus. But as the saying goes: postponed is not the same as canceled!

And this is exactly what the question is about: How can new customers be acquired despite the Corona crisis?

It hardly needs to be mentioned that the crisis is hitting small and medium-sized businesses, the self-employed and young entrepreneurs particularly hard. The “thinking-out-of-the-box” approach is required now more than ever. Many entrepreneurs are extremely stuck in their business model and hardly look for alternatives. If the product offered, e.g. an innovative backpack like ours, attracts less demand in the current times, the time must be used to look for new approaches. In doing so, companies should ask themselves the following three questions:

What do my customers need despite the crisis? (Food, care products, etc.)

What will my customers do after the crisis? (vacation, sports, etc.)

How can my product create added value during the crisis?

If commonalities are found when answering the questions, this is an interesting starting point for further product development or communication strategy.

Our approach:

We produce insulated backpacks, which can be used as a leisure product in summer. Now that the purchasing power of customers is decreasing significantly, we need to rethink. So we answered the above questions and found a common denominator:

Customers will go grocery shopping during the crisis and hoard mostly frozen food.

After the crisis, customers will resume their freedom to the fullest and enjoy nature especially in company.

Our product can be used as a cool bag for shopping as well as a leisure backpack after the crisis. So an investment pays off almost twice for the customer and he also supports the regional economy.

Now this all sounds fine and dandy, only the next task is to convey the right message to the customer as well.

Our tips:

Record a video of you explaining the benefits of the product. Explain to customers exactly why they should buy your product now and why now is the perfect time.

Less is often more: A social media post is often enough to get an enormous reach. So it’s not necessary to spend money to get a good response, frequent sharing from co-founders, friends and family can be enough.

Google Ads are cheaper than ever! Since there is an auction principle behind Google, meaning the highest bidder also gets the first placement in a Google search, prices are cheaper than they have been in a long time. Many enterprises cut their marketing budgets drastically and thus the competition falls away accordingly. (More information under:

Bottom line:

Gather selling points for your customers and address their needs. Develop if necessary even a new product or an auxiliary product and communicate this correctly. In crises you can also only win if you invest. An anti-cyclical approach requires a lot of courage, but will bear fruit.

In this sense, stay healthy and take advantage of the opportunities!

P.S.: Think about the time after and start first with the stylish BAGSOLATE into the summer!

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