BAGSOLATE founders in dialogue with communication expert Ursula Wagner

After long preparation and extensive planning, BAGSOLATE was finally able to put another exciting project into action last month. Via online stream, the founders Corbinian and Robert presented themselves live via Facebook from the cultural center Das Degginger in the heart of Regensburg’s old town.

The program of the evening was themed “Hard facts with ‘soft’ skills: How important are soft skills for success?”. For this purpose, the team organized a dialogue between the founders and communication expert and lecturer Ursula Wagner from WAGNER Wissen für Morgen. During the discussion, the various parties addressed the thesis that soft skills are more valuable than ever due to the ongoing unpredictability and stress of the Corona pandemic.

Hard facts with “soft” skills

Wagner begins the talk by explaining the relationship in meaning between hard and soft skills. While hard skills are primarily limited to purely professional skills, soft skills are understood to be the way in which one competently uses and implements them on the social, methodological and communicative levels.

Wagner pays particular attention to the latter, emphasizing the value and return on investment of good leadership communication. Ideally, the result is not only a healthy working atmosphere within the team, but inevitably also a better product and a more satisfied customer.

As a result, the expert also explains how one can practice and improve one’s own communication skills oneself in order to apply them confidently in the job market. Especially for career starters, founders and newcomers in her field, she reveals some valuable tips and tricks.

You can find the complete interview with Ursula Wagner here.

News from you

As a young Start-Up, BAGSOLATE has been dealing with the topics of hard and soft skills as well as communication for years. In the mutual exchange own impressions and experiences could therefore be shared with the community. During the livestream, Corbinian and Robert dedicated themselves to questions, opinions and comments, which the audience at home could send interactively and directly to the participants on site.

News from Us

As a big surprise, the hosts of the evening presented another big heart project, the new limited edition BAGSOLATE in Marine Blue made of recycled marine plastic, which could finally be presented after a long time during this special evening. Thus, an important and long-awaited day came to a successful end for the BAGSOLATE team.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Ursula Wagner, Christopher König from Gravity Films and the team from Degginger for their active support and look forward to the next BAGSOLATE Live!

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